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Java pattern for [j-*]

Anonymous User231114-Oct-2013

Please help me  with the pattern matching. I want to build a pattern which will match the word starting withj- or c- in the following in a string (Say for example)

[j-test] is a [c-test]'s name with [foo] and [bar]

The pattern needs to find [j-test] and [c-test] (brackets inclusive).

What I have tried so far?

String template = "[j-test] is a [c-test]'s name with [foo] and [bar]"; 
Pattern patt = Pattern.compile("\\[[*[j|c]\\-\\w\\-\\+\\d]+\\]");
Matcher m = patt.matcher(template);
while (m.find()) {

And its giving output like


which is wrong. Please help me, thanks for your time on this thread.

Updated on 14-Oct-2013
I am a content writter !

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